- funzione AND
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Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
obbligazioni bull and bear — Eng. bull and bear bond Emissione di titoli indicizzati. Per una metà dei titoli ( Bull ) il rimborso avviene al valore nominale corretto in funzione diretta dell andamento del titolo stesso, in un preciso intervallo di tempo, di un… … Glossario di economia e finanza
Miracle Plays and Mysteries — • These two names are used to designate the religious drama which developed among Christian nations at the end of the Middle Ages Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Miracle Plays and Mysteries Miracle Plays a … Catholic encyclopedia
Idealism (italian) and after — Italian idealism and after Gentile, Croce and others Giacomo Rinaldi INTRODUCTION The history of twentieth century Italian philosophy is strongly influenced both by the peculiar character of its evolution in the preceding century and by… … History of philosophy
Bucentaur — This article is about the Venetian ships. For the 19th century French ship, see French ship Bucentaure (1804). Departure of the Bucentaur to San Nicolo on the Lido (c. 1768) by Francesco Guardi (1712–1793). In March 2008, this painting and… … Wikipedia
Hartogs' extension theorem — In mathematics, precisely in the theory of functions of several complex variables, Hartogs extension theorem is a statement about the singularities of holomorphic functions of several variables. Informally, it states that the support of the… … Wikipedia
metonimia — metonìmia o metonimìa (s.f.) Secondo le definizioni classi che la metonimia consiste nel designare un entità tramite un altra che stia alla prima come la causa sta all effetto e viceversa, oppure che le corrisponda per legami di reciproca… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
Liturgical drama — or religious drama, in its various Christian contexts, originates from the mass itself, and usually presents a relatively complex ritual that includes theatrical elements.In the Christian tradition, religious drama stemmed out of liturgy at the… … Wikipedia
Philosophy of language — is the reasoned inquiry into the nature, origins, and usage of language. As a topic, the philosophy of language for Analytic Philosophers is concerned with four central problems: the nature of meaning, language use, language cognition, and the… … Wikipedia
Anna Stetsenko — born in the former Soviet Union is known as a developmental psychologist known for developing extensive understanding with infant’s concepts of “thinking and speaking”. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky and Piaget converge the concept of children learn… … Wikipedia
Rongo rongo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Símbolos Rongo rongo Se conoce con el nombre de rongo rongo a un supuesto sistema de escritura tallado con ‘puntas de obsidiana o dientes de tiburón’, en su mayoría sobre las tablillas de madera. Los habitantes de la … Wikipedia Español
Marco Visconti (architect) — Marco Visconti Marco Visconti (Turin, 14 September 1957) is an Italian architect. Visconti is one of the most successful architects, specialising in the field of Sustainability. The underlying objective of his work is the research for the best… … Wikipedia